Dull and Numb
There are certain parts of my job that I really enjoy and that makes me thankful because I know it's not something that everyone experiences.
There are other parts of my job that make my reflexes dull and my mind numb, like data entry. I can only transfer numbers from one Excel spreadsheet to another for so long before I start to go crazy. My brand of craziness requires that I drink a lot of water (tally for today: 124 ounces) so that I can punctuate my day with several bathroom breaks; they make work go by a little faster.
Today has been all Excel spreadsheets all day. I finally lost it, picked up a fat grease pencil, and in a calm but altered state drew hearts on the metal door frame spending an unreasonable amount of time trying to make the lobes perfectly even. So far no one has noticed my outsider art, which is lucky, because by tomorrow I think I'll be able to deny creating it in such a way as to make my accuser feel akward in his advance.