The Dirty French
My husband is tucked away in Wyoming with access to a computer and he sends me e-mail frequently. All of his messages are signed with a digital signature and each time I try to open one of them at work I read the following error:
The digital signature on this message is invalid because the message contents were altered after the message was signed.
I have it on good authority that he is not altering his messages after they are signed.
I clicked around a little in my Outlook only to discover that I am not authorized to attach a digital signature to my outgoing mail, nor do I have the authority to encrypt my outgoing e-mail. National security takes the fun out of everything.
Quel suprise.
Which reminds me... We have a cappuccino machine in the galley that produces a warm frothy beverage that in no way resembles cappuccino. The brew is available in three flavors: mocha, Irish cream, or Freedom Vanilla - the words printed atop a waving American flag.
I used to own a copy Top Gun on VHS and when I was a kid I would pop it in, fast foreword to the steamy love scene, and get warm between the thighs. Do you think Tom Cruise and Kelly Magillis were freedom kissing?
I don't. It's nowhere near dirty enough to be any fun.