Friday, October 27, 2006

The Dirty French

My husband is tucked away in Wyoming with access to a computer and he sends me e-mail frequently. All of his messages are signed with a digital signature and each time I try to open one of them at work I read the following error:

The digital signature on this message is invalid because the message contents were altered after the message was signed.

I have it on good authority that he is not altering his messages after they are signed.
I clicked around a little in my Outlook only to discover that I am not authorized to attach a digital signature to my outgoing mail, nor do I have the authority to encrypt my outgoing e-mail. National security takes the fun out of everything.

Quel suprise.
Which reminds me... We have a cappuccino machine in the galley that produces a warm frothy beverage that in no way resembles cappuccino. The brew is available in three flavors: mocha, Irish cream, or Freedom Vanilla - the words printed atop a waving American flag.

I used to own a copy Top Gun on VHS and when I was a kid I would pop it in, fast foreword to the steamy love scene, and get warm between the thighs. Do you think Tom Cruise and Kelly Magillis were freedom kissing?

I don't. It's nowhere near dirty enough to be any fun.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Question of Loyalty

An individual wants me to keep a secret.

Another individual foresaw the secret occurrence and asked me to tell him when it happened, even though others would want me to keep my mouth shut.

In the moment the decision was stressful.

This morning the answer was obvious; keeping secrets on a construction site is rarely a good idea. This instance was not a rare one.

Monday, October 23, 2006

I Voted Today!

My mom isn't always the best at getting my absentee ballot in the mail. I understand, she has other things to do like teach history to sixth graders and correct all their papers. And my mom is forgetfull so time has a tendency to slip away from her. And really, if I'm honest with myself, my vote doesn't count for much. But I still like to cast it.

I'm happy to report that she came through this year (maybe it's because her hottie student teacher has been correcting the papers) and I mailed my ballot to Chicago a few moments ago. It put me in an awesome mood.

If anyone reads this, please vote on November 7th.