Thursday, July 19, 2007

I hope...

Today, during a moment of clarity and ownership, I took it upon myself to make sure I was assigned to a new duty section. I am now the Assistant Duty Section Leader of Duty Section Five.

I hope, for his sake and mine, that the wife of my new duty section leader is a secure and self-assured woman.

But more than that, I hope she never calls me. Ever.


Blogger Becky said...

I hope she doesn't either and through my years of working with swinging dicks it doesn't help to make friends with their wives either.

Good luck and congradulations?

Blogger Becky said...

and BTW I really know how to spell congratulations.

Blogger Jessica said...

Spelling is not on my list of things that are a big deal.

But Harry Potter is. I don't know how I'm going to get myself to work when I can hear its siren song calling me from the bedroom.

Blogger Christina said...

I have Harry Potter sitting by my desk at work, and I am completely useless. I'm ready to sneak-read it.

I think being friends with male co-workers wives is a good idea. But only if the wife is super cool, and her name starts with C and ends with hristina. Otherwise, I don't really support the idea.

no, really, I don't. It's normally very awkward.

Blogger Jessica said...

C-hristina: I think you're my first wife. So unless I'm mistaken, I'm 1 for 1.

However... Very few Seabee's wives have it in them to be civil, much less friendly, to me. I get a lot of hate. A lot. The stories I could tell...

One invlolves a very overweight woman in a lot of make-up (think Tammy Fae, may she rest in peace) wearing embarrasingly brief and tight clothing. She spent the first part of the evening hanging on her husband and glowering at me and the second part of the evening getting my husband trashed on vodka shots and then shamelessly hitting on him. When I walked in the kitchen where they were she had her arm around him and was telling him what she liked to do with her sex toys. Seriously. Her husband was there but was also completely trashed and oblivious. I, however, was utterly and unfortunately sober.

For the record, her husband was nothing close to my type. We had never so much as exchanged knowing glances.

Writing this makes me understand why some women hate women.

Blogger Unknown said...

IMHO, very few seabee wives have brains in them.

I should probably try harder, but in general, I think they are all personality-less idiots. I wrote a post on the whole military-wife thing.

anywhoodle, I'm glad you gave me a chance. Shall we drink to it soon?

p.s. When Tyson had surgery and you took such great care of him while I had to work, I always joked about how lucky I was that his other wife was so good to me...I mean, you did the dishes and everything.
That's more than I can say for his other wives ;-)

Blogger Jessica said...

I think it was about four dishes. Let's not go overboard.

When Mark's in town, if I'm comming home early, sometimes I'll call and let him know that he has to kick his girlfriend out because I'm on the way. He oftentimes makes excuses for her, explaining why she can't be up and ready in just a few minuites because she's in the shower or in the middle of some project, and then we both giggle.

I'm always up for a cocktail.

Blogger Christina said...

I finished Harry Potter.

Holy Crap.

I cried like a baby girl.

Blogger Jessica said...

I started crying on page 75, continued intermittently throughout, had a deluge at the end, and now I'm dreaming about it.

Blogger Jessica said...

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