Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Time Has Come

I want out, now.

I have nothing to do. Or more honestly, and for the sake accuracy, I have about 3 hours of work a week, which under my analysis is dangerously close to nothing, and produces the same mental distress as nothing. Severe boredom isn’t good for kids, for dogs, or for me. Is there any other situation where I would be doing nothing day after day, getting paid for it, and yet it would be illegal to quit? Taxpayers, also known as my neighbors and relatives, month after month are paying me well over $3,000 to do nothing. And yet, the battalion runs out of photocopy paper at the end of every fiscal year.


Blogger Becky said...

El escribir en un cierto blog en un idioma extranjero es apenas grosero.

Blogger Becky said...

¿Camisetas? No necesitamos ninguna camiseta que apesta.

Blogger Beatriz said...

I know the feeling, some days feel like I did nothing and I go home feeling unproductive. Not that it makes me want to have kids, or to grow a garden. It makes me want to knit more than anything! I usually do and then I cook something really good too!

Blogger Jessica said...

Becky -- Well said. Very well siad. I couldn't agree more.

Beatriz -- I love the new photo!! One of the many pleasures of knitting is that you can see your progress. There's no pulling the wool over someone's eyes and pretending you were knitting. If you want a Central Park Hoodie (or half a dozen, in your case!) you have to tend to your knitting.


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