Monday, May 28, 2007


Like a dirty name, Liberal is an accusation thrown at me from time to time despite my self-imposed silence in all political discussions that unfold at work. I censor myself because I don’t want others to get the mistaken impression that I’m judging them. But when I am pressed, I politely and shamelessly state that I vote mostly Democrat. I’m careful that my words and inflections are easy because tone is the best way to communicate that what I’m saying is not a secret, nor does it make me defiant, or any less patriotic than the Republicans who serve by my side. At this point, after outing myself as a Democrat, I usually go on to say that I believe in democracy more than any one man or woman and that if everyone votes, and my guy looses, so be it. Who am I to say that I know better than everyone else? I have no supernatural hold on the truth or the future. And then, if I’m feeling a little feisty, I casually add that the two party system is a real problem because what’s a girl to do if she’s fiscally conservative and socially liberal? My statement is an allusion to the fact that I, like most of America (so I assume from conversations with friends, family, and coworkers), don’t feel that there is a party that reflects an overwhelming majority of my beliefs.

I don’t harbor illusions that anyone who makes it this far down the screen will care, but because these pages are for me, it seems that a platform is in order, and will follow in forthcoming posts.


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