Friday, July 13, 2007

e-mail from a friend at a new command


Ah, the memories of battalion. I always felt that the engineering division was the most ridiculous branch. The hardest part of being in the Navy is often pretending to be busy when you're really not. The problem is that there are two types of people: the ones who truly are busy because they have horrible time-management skills and actually take three times longer than necessary to do the job and the ones who do the job and then have to pretend that they are stressed out so nobody creates stupid, mindless busywork for them. I hear rumors of a third group that is legitimately busy, but I swear to you that I haven't seen anyone who falls in that category.

And HAH! You think you know government waste? You don't know government waste! This command purchased hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of repair parts for equipment that we don't even have. Did we turn it in for a refund? No, of course not. It was all stored in a 20 ft connex box for two years until I cracked it open a couple of months ago to see what the hell it was and then had no option but to throw everything away because it was all useless! When I first got here I was angry about the gross negligence, but now that the value of items that I have trashed has well exceeded $1M (and counting) I'm pretty much numb. After all, that doesn't even come close to the value of stuff that we've MISPLACED.

I guess that $12 BILLION a month has to go towards something...


Blogger Becky said...

Does this mean I will have to pay more taxes next year?

How's your puppy? My poor old dogs are so hot.

Blogger Jessica said...


I think you're safe with taxes; it seems like the money was spent a few years ago.

My puppy is a little hot. I have a hard time getting her up the stairs because she likes the shaded cement a lot more than the appartment floor. I'm thinking of buying her a cooling pad. Foolish or wise?

Blogger Becky said...

I'm not familiar with a cooling pad, but I use to get one of those hard plastic kiddie pools for my dogs in the summer and they loved it.

Course they're labs. Don't know if Dasha likes water or should even be in it yet. But what ever you think will make her comfortable, you should get for her. Mom knows best, I say.

I gave Blue a bath the other day (he's 112 lbs now) and he immediately rolled in the dirt. He has problems with his ears in the summer time. So I had to bathe him again (with the help of John) and then take him for a long walk until he dried off, then gave him benadryl for his allergies, sprayed him for fleas, put ointment on his ears and then gave him a bone from the butcher.

I don't recall taking such measures with my kids, i.e, they never got treated like dogs. But of course the whole goal of raising them (kids) was to make them self-reliant.

I do tend to ramble, don't I?

Blogger Jessica said...


Let's talk about bones.

When you buy them from the butcher -- do you par boil them or bake them or any such thing? Or do you just give the poor dog a bone?


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