Saturday, November 03, 2007

Girl, you'll be a woman soon.

There is much to document but little motivation. So instead of dedicating a part of each day to notate thoughts and emotions I knit, imbibe, and imagine.

I really should write because I'm in a new place and might not be back here any time soon. In two weeks I'll leave the Navy. These days are a balance on the cusp of familiar and uncertain and the singular thing that strikes me is how lovely it feels to accomplish a goal that was six years coming; the euphoria is an uncommon bout of quiet confidence and pride. My transition is meaningful, more so than any composed graduation, because I have direction, aim, and what feels like an unlimited store of fuel. I am not afraid and I welcome the self manipulation that's required to securely seat myself in the unfamiliar. And while I'm sure I'll look back in a few years and laugh at my naïvety, right now I feel like I know who I am.


Because Dasha brings me so much joy I'm posting current photos. She was fixed two days ago and is recovering beautifully.


Blogger Becky said...

I bet you'll look back in amazement at your accomplishments. I say this because of my own experience at looking back and wondering

"where the hell did I ever get the Ovaries to do that?"

Blogger Becky said...

Hope you had a happy holiday and
tag you're it

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