Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Fight, Fight, Fight!

I fought with my only friend at work. I didn't even know we were fighting until he raised his voice and walked out. I'm dense like that. My spirited (some might say opinionated and self-righteous) conversation often reads as an antagonistic brawl. I feel a little guilty. I would have backed down if I knew we were fighting, but it's probably just as well because in this particular case I know I was right. So it's a good lesson. I shouldn't save my opinionated and self-righteous comments for only those who agree; that's weak and selfish.

I inadvertently suggested (insisted) that my friend was insubordinate. And he is. So it is what it is. I'll apologize tomorrow and it will go like this,

"I feel like we fought last night. I don't want to fight. I feel like shit. I just think that once the board of directors makes a decision (he's on the board) weather or not we're into it, it's our job to promote it."

I wasn't wrong tonight. He was. My proof is that he didn't stay longer to fight back; all of my real friends are obstinate when the occasion calls for it.


BC hasn't accepted my friend request but she hasn't ignored it either. I've already decided that if she doesn't accept, sometime this fall when I'm not churning out proposals, I'm going to go to the bank's corporate offices and try to schedule a lunch.


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